
Showing posts from April, 2021

Quote of the day

Hey  Here are some amazing quotes for you  Read and enjoy the wonderful twisting of words 1. Dear miracle Open the door of chance, by chance  Open the mind of glance, bychance  Open the window of hearts bychance  Embrace the happy moment with supereme power bychance  Pull up all sins in a second bychance  Shower rain of harmony right now bychance  "the miracle" As you I believe miracle, on you ,to be happened bychance. - Bhakti  Define satisfaction in 1 line  "FEELING COMPLETE YOURSELF INSIDE WITH NO DESIRE -Bhakti  The next month  I want to  Become more and more powerful within myself physically and mentally  #positivity# :Bhakti  The curtains close  When all dramatic scenes go,  All the characters were played their part,  Now analysis of that is going to start,  Who has played well,  Who hasn't make just with stage, Yeah actually men may come, men may...

Quote of a day

Hey  Here are amazing quotes that can help you to stand up in the world of competition with all of your spirits and positivity  1.There are number of option to take your step back ,  But only one solid determined heart is enough to cut off all the obstacles in the journey of life . Bhakti 2. हाथ पकड़ कर रखना क्योंकि जब हाथ साथ में हो तो हर कंटक पथ भी आसान राह बन जाता है ।  - Bhakti 3. Words I'd Use to Describe My Dream Life Tranquility  Healthy  Solemnized - Bhakti 4.Jealous resists your path of success , whereas Passion ignites the will to succeed ,  So choose your inner self accordingly to achieve success internally and externally   - Bhakti 5.चुप रहने से बड़ा कोई हथियार नहीं , माफ़ कर देने से बड़ी कोई सज़ा नही । There is no bigger weapon than keeping silent There is no greater punishment than forgiving .   - Bhakti 6.Be as it was  be as it is. 

Happy dance day Quotes

Hello Today is an exciting day that is loved by people across the world So Wishing you all a very happy exciting 💃dance 🕺 day Here are some beautiful quotes describing the joys of a dancer. And if you are not  very passionate for dance, then also these thoughts can ignite the pleasure of dancing in you and would help you to spend time with yourself by discovering your inner soul. 1.Dancing is like  You are lost in the world with  inner pleasure, connected with  divine soul of yourself.   Bhakti - 2.Dancing is like Sovereignty on yourself, Emerging with your authenticity,  Enjoying true self with emotions,  Collaborative with lyrics and rhythm to embrace divinity,  Combining yourself with your intense you.  -Bhakti

Quotes of the day

Hey 👋 Here are we again with loads of inspiration,hopes ,love and happiness with  twisting of words  1. My Daily Self-Care Rituals Do fit and make myself happy for mentally and physically healthy for inspiring and to be inspired.                          :Bhakti 2. Care in 4 Words Superintendent for unconditionally someone – Bhakti - 3 .Being   brave doesn't mean you are not scared Being brave means you are scared, really scared,and you do the right thing anyway. -Bhakti I know that you are filled with new aspiration of life  If yes then do tell us in comment section regarding your choices and love.

Quotes of the life

Hey, let's read some beautiful aspiring thoughts  that can motivate you to accomplish your goals and play a role of healer in your life 1.What inspires me right now is.     am Breathing right now,    with all new hope and desire,         Able to pray Am praying for.          everyone,    Bhakti 2.    Stars smile at us                 when               We smile  Your vision, your perception                           Bhakti  3.Past means "bhoot" Sometimes funny, sometimes horror Present means "you never be absent anyway"   Future means  "something newer" come in to your life  :Bhakti 4.  You're that book        Open for all     Readable f...

Quote of the day

Get the latest beautiful writeups that can freshen your mind and fill your day with new delight of happiness and inspiration  1.   Survival guide To 2021           Mentally positive             Physical negative             Add assertivity            Subtract defitivity 2.Be grounded,  Where ever you are, In this cosmo,  Everything is just like straw  That can be easily blown away.  - Bhakti 3.My Top 3 Priorities in Life: Paying humanity  Self love Consciousness  – Bhakti 4.          Hope in A Line  Honest obvious perception       emphasis in one's mind                 – Bhakti Hope you enjoyed reading these beautiful quotes  Read them,learn from them and forward them to your friends ...

Sanskrit Ch 7 Suktayah class 10th Extra Questions

Here you will get the free digest of Sanskrit (extra extract based questions)of ch 7th of Sanskrit class 10th (shemushi ) Extract based question 1 Extract based question 2

Ch 4 Subhashitani Class 10th Extra questions

Here you will get Extract based question of chapter 4 of  Sanskrit("Shemushi )"Class 10th Extract based que 1 Extract based que 2 Extract based question 3 Extract based que 4 Extract based question 5 Extract based question 6 Extract based question 7 Extract based que 8 Extract based question 9 Extract based question 10