Quotes on akshay tritaya
Akshay tritiya ki pavan badhayii
Today is an auspicious day of akshay tritiya that marked the beginning of all of the yugas
Also the day when Lord Parshuram the incarnation of Lord vishnu was born.
This day is an holy day which highlights the beginning of any event...it could be a new business home, job, study or any other work. The day is well known by the glory of long lasting event that was started on this day.
न जिसका न हो कभी भी क्षय मानवता का ये पर्व दूर करे सारे भय तृतीय तिथि की पावन वेला चलो आज करे कुछ अलबेला अक्षय रहेगे आज के सत्कर्म आओ सिखाए सबको इसका मर्म ।
"Akshay tritiya"
In this auspicious day, let's share happiness, it will become never ending joy,
Let's share humanity, it will give all humankind a new vision,
Let's share hope, it will become path of
Let's share n tie our helping hands to the needy one, it will become never ending
- Bhakti
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